Being involved in a car accident, even a minor one, can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. You may have several questions and concerns, including what to do after an accident, how to deal with injuries or property damage you’ve sustained, or how to work with the insurance companies. 

    Many drivers who are involved in minor auto accidents will also question whether or not they should get in touch with a lawyer or if they need any legal representation. It’s important to understand that, under some circumstances, working with a car accident lawyer can benefit you, even after a minor accident.

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    How much does insurance go up after a minor accident?

    After a minor car accident, your insurance premiums are likely going to increase. Being involved in a car accident means you’re a greater liability for your auto insurance company. To help cover the costs of this increased liability, you may find yourself paying more for your overall auto insurance coverage. Factors your auto insurance will take into consideration when assessing your auto insurance rate include the following:

    • The type of insurance provider you have
    • Your driving history 
    • The type and extent of the car accident injuries and damage sustained

    Typically, if you have been involved in a minor accident that resulted in no injuries or major property damage, you may see only a slight increase in your auto insurance coverage. 

    Of course, just because you’ve been involved in an accident does not automatically mean your insurance premium will go up. Depending on your insurance company, if it’s your first claim, you might not see an increase at all. Always contact your insurance company directly to discuss your situation, explore your options, and understand how an auto accident could impact your rate. This is also a good discussion to have with your insurer before you begin working with them.

    Should I get a lawyer for a minor car accident?

    Just because you’ve been involved in a minor accident does not necessarily mean you need legal representation. The circumstances of your auto accident, and what happens afterward with the auto insurance companies will determine whether you should seek legal counsel. 

    If no one has sustained any injuries, and the property damage is not severe, your insurance company is more than likely to work with you on a favorable agreement to resolve the situation.

    It can be beneficial to consult with a lawyer, however, if there are injuries involved or disputes arise regarding fault or compensation. An experienced auto accident personal injury lawyer can provide valuable guidance, ensure your rights are protected, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and pursue fair compensation if necessary.

    Can you combine two minor accidents in one claim?

    If you have damage to your vehicle in two separate areas from two separate incidents, your insurance company may require you to file two separate claims. In some cases, however, it may be possible to combine two minor accidents into one, especially if they occurred during a relatively short period. 

    The benefit of combining two minor accident claims into one is that the consolidation process streamlines the overall claims process. It may even lead to a more effective resolution. Before you proceed with this, however, it’s important to consult with your insurance company first to understand if this is an option for your case. 

    Should I file a claim if I’m at fault?

    Nevada follows the majority of states that adhere to at-fault auto laws. As an at-fault state, Nevada recognizes that the insurance company of an individual who caused an accident will be responsible for paying for injuries and property damage sustained. 

    You should always swap insurance information with the other driver, and the other driver should get in touch with their insurance company to start the claims process. Depending on the circumstances, you should also alert your insurance company as well. If your vehicle has sustained damage, and you have full coverage insurance, your insurance company will be able to repair your vehicle.

    However, there are certain circumstances, like a hit and run, where you might not want to file a claim in a minor auto accident. If your vehicle’s damage is purely cosmetic and you have not sustained injuries, you may not want to pursue a claim, especially if the other driver has not filed a claim with their insurance. Although this situation is rare, it can happen.

    Should I file a claim if I’m not at fault?

    If you are not at fault for a car accident — whether minor or major— it is crucial to file a claim with the responsible party’s insurance company. This ensures that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you are entitled to for property damage, medical expenses, and other losses. If you experience pushback, confusion, or any other hardship when filing your claim, consulting with a car accident injury attorney ensures your interests are represented and that you have an expert on hand who will help you navigate any potential legal complexities.

    If you have suffered property damage and pain and suffering beyond what an insurance company is willing to cover, an experienced auto accident lawyer can help you recover the compensation you deserve via a personal injury claim.

    How long after a car accident can you claim an injury?

    If you were involved in a minor auto accident, and have decided to file a claim, you should do so as quickly as possible. Some auto insurance companies have strict timelines for filing claims after an accident. 

    If you sustain injuries in a car accident and received medical attention, and are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit as well, you should be mindful of statutes of limitations as well. Statutes of limitations stipulate how much time you have to bring forward a lawsuit.

    Work with an experienced car accident lawyer

    An auto accident lawyer discussing a case with their client. On their desk is paperwork, books, and a gavel.

    When you schedule a free case consultation with the experts at Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, you’ll be able to work with a legal representative who will help you determine whether your case requires further legal guidance and whether or not it is in your best interest to work with an attorney. We will work to get you the compensation you deserve.

    Call (702) 382-0000 for a free consultation

    Cubero, S. (2023). How Long After a Car Accident Can You File a Claim?
    Metz, J. (2023). How Much Does Car Insurance Go Up After An Accident?
    Paez-Bowman, C. (2022). What does a no-fault state mean for auto insurance?

    Adam S. Kutner is a top 100 trial lawyer with 33 years’ experience and expertise that will benefit you

    Call us at (702) 382-0000 anytime to schedule a free consultation. We will work to get you the maximum settlement as quickly as possible so you can move forward on your healing journey.


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      Adam S. Kutner - Las Vegas Car Accident Lawyer
      Adam S. Kutner

      With more than 33 years of experience fighting for victims of personal injury in the Las Vegas Valley, attorney Adam S. Kutner knows his way around the Nevada court system and how to get clients their settlement promptly and trouble-free.